Jono Moore is an award-winning art director living and working in Los Angeles.


Get Your Money Right


In 2019, SoFi went from “the student loan people” to a full-service financial company. Checking and savings, home loans, personal loans, investment and brokerages products built entirely around a target who were dealt a pretty gnarly hand.

In their first brand and product suite campaign, they chose to look that economic hotdog bun in the face and say “ok fine, but we can figure this out.” A huge endeavor. Creating more than 1000 deliverables in 3 months, we showed the world that SoFi is more than just “student loan people” and encouraged them to put in the effort required to Get Their Money Right.



Creative Team: Jono Moore, Elaine Kelch, Sydney Arkin, Charity Read, Ryan Holland and Kacey Coburn 

Directed by The Mathery